
E-training on EU Family Property Regimes (EU-FamPro) is an European project aimed at securing a long-term effective application of EU law for cross-border couples in their property relations both in everyday life as well as within potential legal proceedings. The project builds on modern and innovative approaches to education and training, such as MOODLE e-learning or MOOC self-learning courses, as a means of offering specialized legal knowledge to professionals, administering the law in the field of matrimonial property relations, especially in cross-border situations.
The Project’s consortium is comprised of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (Lithuania), the University of Almeria (Spain), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law (Croatia), and is led by the University of Camerino (Italy).

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Designing the pilot MOODLE e-course, its testing and gradual development. Designing the e-courses training topics, materials and supporting course materials (e.g. self-assessment tools), and video production (e.g. …


Contributing to an effective application of EU law for cross-border couples in their property relations by means of professionals' education and training. Developing e-courses, training programmes and learning …