Designing the pilot MOODLE e-course, its testing and gradual development. Designing the e-courses training topics, materials and supporting course materials (e.g. self-assessment tools), and video production (e.g. …
EU-FamPro (E-training on EU Family Property Regimes) can be best described as an international project in the wider field of family law, aimed at securing a long-term effective application of EU law for cross-border couples in their property relations in everyday life or within potential legal proceedings.
The project builds on modern and innovative approaches to education and training, such as MOODLE e-learning or MOOC self-learning courses, as a means of offering specialized legal knowledge to professionals dealing with matrimonial property relations, especially in cross-border situations. From this perspective, EU-FamPro represents a somewhat practical and training-oriented spinoff to the successfully completed PSEFS (Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law) project. EU-FamPro namely builds on the extensive research findings of PSEFS, transforming its results into a vast but practically oriented online curriculum for legal practitioners, e.g. lawyers, notaries, mediators, judges. Like its predecessor, the European Union’s Justice Programme also funds the two-year long EU-FamPro project that kicked-off in April of 2021.
EU-FamPro consortium is comprised of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (Lithuania), the University of Almeria (Spain), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law (Croatia), and is led by the University of Camerino (Italy). It is no coincidence that the project comprises higher education and research organizations in the field of law. It namely serves as a common platform for offering quality courses, training events and supporting learning materials for legal practitioners, all in a sustainable, long-term accessible e-format.
Almost twenty years ago, back in 2002, more than 5 million EU citizens resided in a Member State (MS) other than the MS of their nationality, whilst around 2.5 million items of real property were owned by spouses in MSs other than the MS of their residence (Green Paper, COM 2006, 400 final, p.3). Furthermore, during 2015, no less than 4.7 million people moved to one of the (then) EU-28 according to Eurostat. From those persons, 2.3 million people moved within the EU. It is thus apparent that a large number of transnational families or couples, who require legal certainty in predictability concerning their rights and obligations in cross-border situations, exist in the EU. The values of legal certainty and predictability, among others, can only be safeguarded if professionals, administering the applicable legislation, especially Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1103 and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1104, possess excellent legal knowledge and skills. Their greater knowledge and insight, obtained via different learning tools provided for by EU-FamPRO project, should lead to a lawful, uniform and transparent, thus an effective application of EU law.
Designing the pilot MOODLE e-course, its testing and gradual development. Designing the e-courses training topics, materials and supporting course materials (e.g. self-assessment tools), and video production (e.g. …
Contributing to an effective application of EU law for cross-border couples in their property relations by means of professionals' education and training. Developing e-courses, training programmes and learning …