Prof. María José Cazorla González El. paštas mcazorla@ual.es
The University of Almería is a research-education oriented public university located in southeast Spain. Founded in 1993, it is one of the youngest and most dynamic universities of Spain, devoted to research and training, with more than 850 professors and more than 13 000 students, including 600 doctorate student in a total of 13 departments and 139 research groups and 11 research institutes.
Nowadays, the University of Almería offers the possibility of studying a range of 32 Bachelor’s Degrees, 41 Master’s and 14 PhD programmes.
The University of Almería has a solid commitment with research and investigation, with more than 7.000 agreements with other institutiosn and companies, more than 100 patents registered and more than 6.000 published works in Web of Science.
Besides formal education, UAL offers summer and tailor made programs, and organizes a Summer School with more than 20 summer courses every year.
The links with the business world operate through the Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI) and the collaboration on International Projects, as well as seeking resources and partners, is managed through the European and International Projects Office (OPEI). The main purpose is to adapt our services to the new demands of our society in order to reach the quality and efficiency objectives in teaching, research and management.